AMAA Registration Information

The following information is intended to answer some of the most common questions and requests that come into our Registration Department. If your answer isn’t found here, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or 816-431-9950. Office hours are Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.; summer hours Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. – 1 p.m central time.


A letter, which identifies the year the calf was born. Must be tattooed in the ear with the tag number.
The letters I, O , Q, and V are skipped in identifying years.

2001 L
2002 H
2003 N
2004 P
2005 R
2006 S
2007 T
2008 U
2009 W
2010 X
2011 Y
2012 Z
2013 A
2014 B
2015 C
2016 D
2017 E
2018 F
2019 G
2020 H
2021 J
2022 K
2023 L
2024 M
2025 N


One must be an active member in order to submit registrations and/or transfers. Memberships are $150 for adults, which do include a subscription to the Voice magazine; $50 for juniors (One is a junior until their 22nd birthday as long as they have not reached their 22nd birthday before January 1 of the current calendar year). Dues are for a calendar year (January – December). We also have available first-class shipping for the Voice for $40 per subscription. One can submit a new membership online from our website at by clicking on “Member Services”. Once your account has been activated, you may pay your annual dues by logging into your online account. Please note we do mail a dues reminder card in October of each year.

MAPP or Breeders Choice

All members must designate their herd as either MAPP (Maine Anjou Performance Program) or BC (Breeder’s Choice). For more information visit our website at and open the link “Member Services - MAPP Agreement”. If choosing MAPP you must print, sign and return the Agreement in order to be placed in the MAPP program. If you do not designate your herd prior to sending work, you will automatically be enrolled in the Breeders Choice program. Members will not be placed in the MAPP program until the agreement is on file with AMAA.

Rush Work

Rush work is $50 per eight registrations or transfers. Like all registration work, we need complete payment before we can mail your papers. Rushed work is handled ahead of other work that is in our office; if everything is complete (registration information and payment), the rushed work will be mailed first class mail, within one to two business days from when it is submitted.

Submitting Registration Work

Our office does not take registrations over the phone. You may submit a registration application by mail, via our website through the online registration screen, or by fax (see below for both faxed work and online registrations). During the fall/winter season, please allow two weeks for turn-around on your registration work (if not a rush). A $5.00 processing fee per registration will be added if work is mailed, emailed or faxed. To avoid this fee please log into your Digital Beef account to register your animals.

Digital Beef Access - Online Registrations

Before you can register online, you must have a password set up. Passwords are created by the account holder when applying for your membership. If you have forgotten your password or need one set up, please email or call us. Password and account information will only be provided to those authorized on the account, no matter the member’s age. AMAA may request verification before releasing any information to you.
Please remember passwords are case sensitive. Once logged into Digital Beef always make sure we have a current contact number, email and mailing address. You may update this information by clicking on the “Address” tab in the center of your page once you are logged into Digital Beef. Online registrations are NOT handled as rushes under normal circumstances and are processed in the order they are received.

Faxed Work

A follow-up phone call after faxing registration work is MANDATORY in order to complete the rush process. Again, payment must be complete before we can send your papers. We do accept American Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa for your convenience. You may call in payment or submit online payment under “Member Services” - “Pay on Account”.

Overnight Shipping or Priority USPS Mailing

We can ship your papers to you overnight; however, we will need a physical address and phone number to do so. The basic fee for overnight shipping is $40-45, which must be paid in advance. In some cases the amount may exceed $45, depending on the area to which the article is being shipped. USPS priority shipping with tracking is available for $8.50. These fees do not include a rush fee. If you wish to add a FedEx or Priority mailing please contact us at 816-431-9950. (Note: Shipping fees subject to change please contact AMAA to verify fee).

Foundation Animals

As of January 1, 2014, dams and sires must be registered or must obtain a commercial number in order to register offspring. The birthdate, name and tattoo number are required to obtain a commercial number. If you do not have a tattoo number use the month and day it was born. When registering a calf, a commercial cow may be created within the registration screen. Click on the book with the arrow next to the dam field. Your current herd will be displayed. At the top of that herd list is an option to “Create a new Commercial Female”. If the sire is owned by you, click “Commercial” located under “Herd Mgmt” on the left side tool bar. Once you have a number for your commercial animal then go to “Calves” located under “Herd Mgmt” to complete your registration. If you are registering out of a sire that is not owned by you, do not create a commercial number. Please search for the animal by name or tattoo under Digital Beef – Search Animal. If the animal cannot be found please contact AMAA.


If you are registering an animal born prior to January 1, 2014 you may leave the dam or sire unregistered as long as the dam or sire is 50% to obtain the 25% minimum percentage and the animal you are registering is not a result of AI or ET.

Adding Other Breeds Pedigrees

“Other breed” pedigrees can be added to the registration of an animal for either the sire or the dam. The fee to add a bull’s pedigree is $40 and to add a female’s pedigree is $25. Please send a copy of the registration paper for each particular animal and include the proper fee. When entering a registration online, enter the registration number of the animal with the appropriate prefix to that number below. If the pedigreed animal is not in the AMAA system, it will give you an error. Please complete the registration with errors and then validate the entry to save it. AMAA will add the pedigree, complete the registration, and email you an invoice when the registration has been completed.

Prefix options: Angus-AN, Red Angus – AR, Belted Galloway – BG, Brahman- BR. Chianina – CA, Charolais – CH, Galloway- GA, Gelbvieh – GV, Hereford- HH, Polled Hereford- HP, Shorthorn – IS, Limousin – LM, Lowline – LL, Canadian Maine – MA, Red Brangus – RB, Salers – SA, Simmental – SM, Polled Shorthorn – SP, Scottish Shorthorn – SS.

Registering Bulls

Bulls must be sired by a) registered Maine bull, or b) registered bulls of another breed (see Adding Other Breeds Pedigrees’ above). Any bull calf registrations received after January 1, 2014 must be TH/PHA free by parents (parent testing must be on file with AMAA to be free by parents) or must be tested clean and on file with AMAA to register. Carrier bulls will only be registered as a Foundation breeding bull. The percentage is honored; however, they are not allowed to be shown. All offspring with the exception of steers will need to be tested and clean of the defect to register. Once testing has been completed the animal will then be registered at the rate based on the animals age at the time of registration.

Registering Steers (Update)

A motion was passed at the Board of Directors meeting in Louisville in November 2010 to drop the Maine-Anjou sire-only stipulation regarding the registration of Maine-Anjou steers. Registerable Maine-Anjou steers can come from either side of the pedigree and must be at least 25% Maine to be eligible to register.

Performance Animals

If you choose to register your animal as “Performance Only” it will record that animal for data purposes only. If you later decide to register a performance animal you may upgrade that animal to registered. Go to your herd and then click on performance animals. There you will see a tab that says “Register”. You may also contact AMAA to upgrade the animal. The rate to register will be based on the day it obtains a certificate not the day that it was entered, so please make sure to register them before they are over 13 months of age.

DNA Typing (Parent Verification)

Dams: Prior to registering ET calves, all donor dams must be DNA typed and on file in the AMAA office. This applies to all Maine-Anjou donors AND commercial donor dams. If you are unsure if a dam has been typed, please check testing online or call our office. You need to allow up to four weeks for DNA results to be processed from the lab.
Bulls: All bulls that have been collected for marketing OR for home use are also to be DNA typed.

TH/PHA Testing

Females not tested for TH and PHA, and are not free by parentage, will be registered, but their registration paper will be marked ‘untested’ or “suspect” in regard to genetic abnormality status.
Dams: Prior to registering ET calves, all donor dams must be tested for TH and PHA, and on file in the AMAA office. This applies to registered and commercial donor dams. You need to allow at least three weeks for samples to be processed.
Sires: All bulls that have been collected for marketing OR for home use are also to be tested for TH and PHA and on file in our office. Any bull calf registered after January 1, 2014 will also have to be free by parents or must be tested and free of TH and PHA in order to register. Once testing is on file, the registration fee will be applied to register the bull calf. A bull calf that has a carrier TH/PHA result may be entered as a foundation breeding bull and cannot be shown. Any off spring out of that carrier bull must be tested and clean of the defect in order to register (with the exception of steers).

Note: Registrations will not be completed until all required testing is on file with AMAA.


If transferring an animal that is already registered, the transfer must be completed on the back of the original registration paper (please include the date of sale). When transferring a female of breeding age, we request that breeding information be submitted. Complete information with dates and names of sires is required. PLEASE NOTE that the seller is REQUIRED to be an ACTIVE MEMBER when sending transfers. If the seller is NOT active and the buyer sends the transfer, then the paper will be held until the seller has paid their dues.

Percentage and Upgrading Chart

Please refer to our ‘Percentage and Upgrading’ Chart for mating combinations and resulting percentages of progeny. NOTE that 25% is our lowest percentage to register; Maintainers are 25% to 62.5% (green registration papers); higher percentage animals are 75% - 100% (brown registration papers). A percentage chart may be obtained on our website under “Digital Beef/Registrations”.


The Maine Angus program is an initiative created by the American Maine-Anjou Association (AMAA) to showcase the complementation of Maine-Anjou genetics when crossed with Angus or Red Angus cattle. This program will reveal Maine-Anjou cattle’s ability to enhance feed efficiency and red meat yield when placed on British based genetics. This program should provide seedstock that will increase production and carcass yield through heterosis. The name Maine Angus is both strong and informative by stating exactly what breeds are present in said animal.

The standard requirement is that both parents must be registered at the AMAA, American Angus Association (AAA) or Red Angus Association of America (RAAA). This will provide confirmed lineage and genetic information along with valuable EPDs. Through a partnership with the AAA our EPDs will be updated with the latest genetic evaluation by the AAA which will provide the breeders and customers the best genetic prediction available. This program is focused on producing quality registered offspring that will aid in the incorporation of Maine-Anjou genetics into the mainstream of the USA beef sector.


Maine Angus refers to cattle with the following characteristics:
  • The animal will have between 3/8 Maine-Anjou to 5/8 Maine-Anjou blood and have between 3/8 registered Angus to 5/8 registered Angus and/or registered Red Angus blood.
  • Both parents must be registered at the AMAA, AAA or RAAA to confirm lineage.
  • Qualifying cattle can have no more than 1/8 of non-registered blood or other breeds.
  • A registered Maine Angus bull must be proven free of genetic defects PHA and TH. Depending on the Maine Angus bull’s genetic makeup, the individual must also be proven free of known Angus lethal genetic defects (Ex. AM, NH and CA) and/or known lethal Red Angus genetic defects (Ex. AM, NH, CA and OS) whether determined by pedigree or test.
  • A registered Maine Angus female must be proven free of PHA and TH, whether identified by pedigree or test.

All qualifying individuals will be predominately solid black or red in color. White markings are only allowed on the underline and switch of the tail. Feet and legs must be solid black or red.
  • NOTE: All Maine Angus animals that do not meet the color requirement, but were registered prior to Jan. 1, 2019, will retain their Maine Angus papers. They will not be able to exhibit/show in the Maine Angus division, but are still eligible to show as Mainetainers.
  • If an animal is registered Maine Angus, but is found to not meet the color requirements, they will be reverted to a Mainetainer registration.

Registration Processing and Check List

We try very hard to handle all registrations in a timely manner with as few errors as possible. In the same token, we appreciate you taking time to look over your application to be sure everything is complete. Please review this checklist prior to mailing or faxing to our office.

  • You must be the owner of the dam to register
  • Your dues must be paid to register or transfer
  • Is the animal you are registering 25% or higher? Either sire or dam must be registered Maine at 50% or higher in order for the offspring to be 25% or both the dam and sire must be registered Maine Anjou at 25% or higher each. We do not recognize any Maine Anjou breed percentages from other associations.
  • If choosing the MAPP program the MAPP agreement must be printed, signed and returned to AMAA.
  • Write down the complete tattoo. (Tattoos need herd prefix, a number you assign to the animal, and the year letter.  Please indicate which ear – right, left, or both – when registering.  (NOTE:  8 TOTAL characters allowed in each ear.)  Year letter for year of birth,  2015: C, 2016:D, 2017:E, 2018:F, 2019: G, 2020: H, 2021: J, 2022: K, 2023: L, 2024: M
  • Complete birth date. (Month, day, year)
  • Sex of calf.  (If it’s a bull, write B – if a steer, write S- if a heifer, write  H)
  • Are the registration numbers of the sire and dam written correctly? If either parent is not registered you must enter the dam or sire as a commercial animal first. If the sire is registered as another breed the pedigree must be added. Please provide the registration number of the dam or sire rather than writing a name in the field if the animal has a Maine Anjou registration number.
  • Commercial animals must have a tattoo number, name, and full birthdate.
  • Have you indicated if the animal is horned, polled or scurred?        
  • Color of animal? The dominate color of the animal should be selected.
  • Given birth weight, calving ease, weaning weight and date?  (If weights have not been taken, please do not fill out anything pertaining to the weaning or yearling). This information is not mandatory to register.
  • The calf being registered must have a name. If a name is not provided the herd prefix and tag number will be entered.
  • If transfering, legibly write the buyer’s name, complete address and date of sale.  If transferring to a farm, please provide the name of the person(s) affiliated with the farm name.
  • Always indicate if the paper needs to be mailed to the buyer or seller.

Please make sure take a copy of your registration work prior to submitting to AMAA.  If any information is incomplete when we receive the work, we do try to contact breeders for corrections. Emails are usually sent if information is missing so please make sure to check your email. Timeliness in responding to phone or e-mail messages in order to complete the registration work is appreciated.

We are here to serve the membership and encourage you to contact the office if we can be of assistance in any way. 
-AMAA Registration Department
Phone 816.431.9950  |  Fax 816.431.9951